mecky fögeling

Kundalini Yoga Teacher registered with KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) and Member of IKYTA (International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Association).
After my studies of French and Physical Education (Sports) at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, I lived for several years in France and also spent some time in Spain. My travels as a travel photographer took me to all seven continents, including Antarctica and some 'far flung' places like trekking in Papua New Guinea and to the top of Angel Falls (www.travimage.com).
London became my base for over 20 years and it was there that I first got to know Kundalini Yoga back in 1997. I have lived, trained and taught in London, England, until 2008 when I returned to my home country, Germany. I am now based in Frankfurt/Main.
I wish to share with you the benefits and gifts Kundalini Yoga holds in store and invite you to be part of this experience.
Life is a 'win-win' situation and the more winners there are, the more we create the fertile grounds for a happy, healthy and joyful life. Kundalini Yoga will make you discover the 'new' you, the real you, shine your light...